With one of the hottest weeks in recent memory passing through town, locals and tourists alike flocked to the beaches and pools to escape the heat. The local market picked-up somewhat from the previous week as the prime parts of Carmel leapt ahead to seize the weekly crown. As always, a few highlights worth noting below:
Pebble’s market was more subdued this week with just 1 closed escrow and 3 new sales. The lone closed escrow came from one of Pebble’s thoroughfares (Forest Lodge Road) – an 80’s traditional style fixer that sold for $970K (3% off of List Price). We’re honored to represent the buyers of this week’s top new sale, which comes from the Country Club East area on Mestres Driev A well-maintained 80’s contemporary-ranch style home offered at $1.475M. Other new sales include a midcentury modern home in the heart of the MPCC area on the interior side of Rodeo, listed at $1.45M and a 70’s rustic home in the Upper Forest with an asking price of $895K.
Carmel’s market maintained a healthy pace this week with 3 closed escrows and 5 new sales. The top closed escrow came from the prized Carmelo St, just South of Ocean Ave – a newly built cottage designed by Braden Sterling that closed at $3.85M (1% off of List Price). Other closed escrows included a teardown with great upside in NW Carmel that sold 3% over the asking price of $1.35M and a condo in downtown Carmel that closed at $1.225M (2% off of List Price). The top new sale came from Carmel Point – a custom built, 3-level cottage with filtered ocean views and an ask price of $3.65M. The other new sales include a partially updated ranch style home in NE Carmel, listed at $1.475M; a modestly updated 30’s cottage in NE Carmel, offered at $1.075M and a couple of teardowns on main arteries (Ocean Ave & Carpenter) in Carmel with ask prices of $879K and $875K respectively.
No news to report in the Highlands, Quail and Preserve areas this week.
Pebble Beach
CLOSED ESCROW – 2877 Forest Lodge Rd, $970K (, DOM=36
NEW SALE – 1147 Mestres Dr, $1.475M, DOM=12
NEW SALE – 1041 Rodeo Rd, $1.45M, DOM= Off-Market
NEW SALE – 4117 Pine Meadows Wy, $895K, DOM=27
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 87 Homes (Country Club West=13, Country Club East=18, Central Pebble=30, Lodge=16, Upper Forest=10), 17 Lots
CLOSED ESCROW – Carmelo 4SW of Ocean, $3.85M (1% off of List Price), DOM=58
CLOSED ESCROW – Camino Real 2SW of 2nd, $1.39M (3% over List Price), DOM=6
CLOSED ESCROW – SE Corner of Mission & 4th, $1.225M (2% off of List Price), DOM=10
NEW SALE – 26255 Ocean Ave, $3.65M, DOM=17
NEW SALE – NE Corner of Santa Fe & 4th, $1.475M, DOM=20
NEW SALE – Santa Rita 4SW of 3rd, $1.075M, DOM=41
NEW SALE – 3424 Ocean Ave, $879K, DOM=1
NEW SALE – Carpenter 2SE of 1st, $875K, DOM=20
ACTIVE LISTINGS= (NW Carmel=18, NE Carmel=11, Golden Rectangle=19, SE Carmel=9, Carmel Point=14, Hatton Fields=12), 9 Lots
Carmel Highlands
No news to report.
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 30 Homes (9 oceanfront), 8 Lots
Quail Lodge/ Preserve
No news to report.
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 18 Homes (Preserve=14, Quail Meadows=1, Quail Lodge=3), 43 Lots (Preserve=41, Quail Meadows=2)