With the 41st Annual Monterey Wine Festival pouring through town this weekend, there should be plenty to ‘wine’ about as festival-goers bask in all things grape. The local market kept a steady pace for the third week in a row, bolstered by an uptick in new sales in the prime parts of Carmel and Pebble. As always, a few highlights from the week worth noting below:
Although quiet on the closed escrows (1) front, activity in Pebble rose from last week propelled by 7 new sales. The lone closed escrow came from the Central Pebble area – a Colonial-ranch style home on the ideally located Riata Rd that closed at $2.65M (5% off of List Price). The top new sale is a traditional-turned-contemporary style home (remodeled in ’00) on MPCC’s frontlines with expansive ocean views and an ask of $6.9M. The other new sales include Spanish Bay’s unit #18, which went back into escrow this week, listed at $4.25M; a Mediterranean-style home with peaks of the ocean on the coveted Sand Dunes Rd in the MPCC area, offered at $3.25M; a traditional-style fixer in the heart of the MPCC area with good potential and an ask of $1.575M (only 2 days on market); a cosmetically remodeled ranch-style home in the Country Club East area with an ask of $1.295M; a 60’s ranch fixer (completely original) with greenbelt views and a list price of $1.275M and a midcentury-modern home in the Upper Forest that’s listed at $1.195M.
Carmel’s market rose again this week with another respectable performance – 5 closed escrows and 6 new sales. The top closed escrow came from the heart of the Golden Rectangle on Casanova Ave – a single-level cottage (built in ’07) just South of Ocean Ave that closed 1% over the list price of $2.288M. The other closed escrows included an 80’s ranch style home in SE Carmel that sold for $1.35M (3% off of List Price); a small (1,300 sqft) 50’s ranch style home on 2nd Ave in NE Carmel that closed at $1.195M (2% off of List Price); another small house (1,295 sqft) in SE Carmel that closed at $1.195M and a 20’s Comstock build in NW Carmel that sold for $1M (9% off of List Price). The top new sale is a fully renovated post adobe style home in lower Hatton Fields that’s offered at $1.95M (11 days on market). The other new sales include a charming little cottage on the outskirts of NE Carmel with an ask of $1.395M; a ranch-style home with views of Fish Ranch in lower Hatton Fields that’s listed at $1.32M; another ranch style fixer in Hatton Fields on Oak Place with an ask of $1.295M; a modestly updated 50’s cottage in NE Carmel with an ask of $1.276M; another 50’s cottage on Ocean Ave, listed at $1.249M and a teardown in lower Hatton Fields with a list price of $925K.
No news to report in the Quail and Highlands areas.
Pebble Beach
CLOSED ESCROW – 1423 Riata Rd, $2.65M (5% off of List Price), DOM=32
NEW SALE – 1010 Rodeo Rd, $6.9M, DOM=377
NEW SALE – 18 Spanish Bay, $4.25M, DOM=20
NEW SALE – 952 Sand Dunes, $3.25M, DOM=116
NEW SALE – 1017 Ocean Rd, $1.575M, DOM=2
NEW SALE – 1039 Laurel Ln, $1.295M, DOM=97
NEW SALE – 1118 Sawmill Gulch Rd, $1.275M, DOM=49
NEW SALE – 4122 Sunridge Rd, $1.195M, DOM=21
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 85 Homes (Country Club West=15, Country Club East=10, Central Pebble=33, Lodge=18, Upper Forest=9), 17 Lots
CLOSED ESCROW – Casanova 3NE of 9th, $2.3M (1% over List Price), DOM=2
CLOSED ESCROW – NE Corner of Torres & 9th, $1.35M (3% off of List Price), DOM=205
CLOSED ESCROW – NW Corner of 2nd & Santa Rita, $1.207M (3% off of List Price), DOM=19
CLOSED ESCROW – NW Corner of Torres 9th, $1.195M (2% off of List Price), DOM=12
CLOSED ESCROW – SW Corner of Lopez & 2nd, $1M (9% off of List Price), DOM=9
NEW SALE – 26206 Mesa Dr, $1.95M, DOM=11
NEW SALE – 24792 Santa Fe, $1.395M, DOM=35
NEW SALE – 3533 Lazarro Dr, $1.32M, DOM=3
NEW SALE – 3530 Oak Pl, $1.295M, DOM=115
NEW SALE – 5015 Lobos St, $1.276M, DOM=38
NEW SALE – 3378 Ocean Ave, $1.249M, DOM=133
NEW SALE – 3484 Taylor Rd, $925K, DOM=6
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 84 Homes (Carmel Woods=3, NW Carmel=19, NE Carmel=12, Golden Rectangle=20, SE Carmel=9, Carmel Point=12, Hatton Fields=9), 6 Lots
Carmel Highlands
No news to report.
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 14 Homes (13 in Highlands – 6 oceanfront, 1 in Meadows), 4 Lots
Quail Lodge/ Preserve
No news to report.
ACTIVE LISTINGS= 7 Homes (2 in Quail Meadows, 5 in Quail Lodge), 2 Lots
Around Town
6/9: Hops & Pops: Summer of Love
Monterey Museum of Art
7:00pm - 9:00pm
6/9-6/11: Monterey Wine Festival
Custom House Plaza
6/10: Carmel Art Walk
Downtown Carmel-by-the-Sea
5:00pm - 8:00pm
6/10: Camp Vintage Antique Show
Earthbound Farm
8:00am - 4:00pm